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Introducing a Studio with Bookshelves, Record Shelves, and Camera Shelves.

Currently, the studio with bookshelves, record shelves, and camera shelves is comprised of the following seven studios. The books on the bookshelves are all physical copies of Western books.

Studio 3 Studio 3 (Western books and records) currently has more Western books and records than shown in the attached photo.

Studio 5 Western Books and Records

Studio 6. Western Books and Records

Studio 7. records (over 10,000)

Studio 12. Western Books

Studio 14. CD

Studio 15. Western Books

Studio 3 Studio 3 (Western books and records) currently has more Western books and records than shown in the attached photo.
Studio 3 Studio 3 (Western books and records) currently has more Western books and records than shown in the attached photo.

Studio 3 Studio 3 (Western books and records) currently has more Western books and records than shown in the attached photo.
Studio 3 Studio 3 (Western books and records) currently has more Western books and records than shown in the attached photo.

Studio 5            Western Books and Records
Studio 5 Western Books and Records

Studio 6.           Western Books and Records
Studio 6. Western Books and Records

Studio 7.           records (over 10,000)
Studio 7. records (over 10,000)

Studio 12.          Western Books
Studio 12. Western Books

Studio 14.          CD
Studio 14. CD

Studio 15.           Western Books
Studio 15. Western Books

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